Lesson3 part2【GroveⅡ】高2コミュ英 | 赤城❤︎.*



A Penguin Called Happy Feet


part 2





huddle 身を寄せ合う rare 珍しい

appearance 出現 wildlife 野生動物

tap-dance タップダンスを踊る

flock 群れ 

all alone たったひとりで

more than ~以上

get lost 迷子になる

name A after B BにちなんでAと名付ける


Master 助動詞+完了形


1. She may not have known about the new rule then.

2. He should have seen this movie with us.

3. You must have taken the wrong bus.


1. 皇帝ペンギンは暖を保つためなにをするの?

- They huddle together.

2. 人々はそのペンギンに何と名付けたの?

- They named it Happy Feet.


live alone / live in hot places



1 熟語

⑴ 2人の生徒が空港で迷子になった

 Two students (   )(   ) in the airport.

⑵ たったひとりで暮らすのは難しい

 It's hard to live (   )(   ).

⑶ 私たちはあなたにちなんでこの犬をマックスと名付けた

 We (   ) this dog Max (   ) you.

⑷ あなたは何を探していたの?

 What were you (   )(   ) ?

⑸ 彼はコンビニを見つけるのに10キロ以上運転しなくてはならなかった

 He had to drive (   )(   ) 10 km to find a convenience store.



⑴ got lost ⑵ all alone ⑶ named, after

⑷ looking for ⑸ more than


2 文法

⑴ 私は彼に電話すべきではなかったのに

 I (   ) have called him.

⑵ 彼らはその問題に対する答えを見つけたかもしれない

 They (   ) have found the answer to the problem.

⑶ 彼女が私をおいていったはずがない

 She (   ) have left me.

⑷ 彼の父親は彼に腹を立てていたに違いない

 His father (   ) have been angry with him.

⑸ 私はコンサートチケットを買うべきだった

 I (   ) have bought a concert ticket.



⑴ shouldn't ⑵ may ⑶ can't

⑷ must ⑸ should


3 文法

⑴ He may have known your name. 否定文に

⑵ You should not change your phone number. 過去の文に

⑶ John must be very tired. 過去の文に

⑷ She must have forgotten her homework. ~したはずがない、という文に



⑴ He may not have known your name.

⑵ You should not have changed your phone number.

⑶ John must have been very tired.

⑷ She can't have forgotten her homewrok.

