文法・語彙◈2019私立高校入試◈中3英語 | 赤城❤︎.*











1. How long have you lived in Tokyo? - (     ).  I like this ciry.
  ア. For five years イ. Five years ago ウ. Since five years エ. Five years before
2. Kana, do I have to return this picture to you? - No, it's yours.  You can (     ) it.
  ア. make イ. drink ウ. hand エ. keep
3. Do you know (     ) Dad came home last night? - No.  I went to bed early.
  ア. who イ. when ウ. what エ. where
4. I was asked (     ) his dog during his trip.
  ア. to look after イ. look up ウ. to take care エ. to take after
5. The mountain we climbed last month (     ) covered with snow.
  ア. had イ. which ウ. was エ. were
6. We won't go on a picnic if it (     ) tomorrow.
  ア. rain イ. rains ウ. will be rained エ. will rain
7. This picture is the most beautiful (     ) all.
  ア. in イ. for ウ. with エ. of
8. He has (     ) I do.
  ア. twice as many DVDs as
  イ. as twice as many DVDs as
  ウ. as many as twice DVDs
  エ. twice DVDs as many as
9. Tom left the room without (     ) good-bye.
  ア. saying イ. say ウ. to say エ. to be said
10. Sister made the apple pie (     ) us.
  ア. to イ. on ウ. for エ. of
1. 現在完了。「5年だから
2. 「持ってていいよ」だから
3. 間接疑問文。「いつ帰宅したか」だから
4. 重要表現。「世話をする」だから  ・look up:見上げる・take care of:世話をする・take after:似ている
5. 受け身。主語(mountain)が単数(1つ)だから
 ・be covered with:~でおおわれている
6. 接続詞。ifの文の中は
7. 最上級。数の前はof, まとまりの前はinなので
8. 同等比較。「2倍の~」は twice as many(much) ~ as の形をとるので
9. 動名詞。前置詞の後の動詞は-ingをつけて動名詞にするので
10. 動詞。「~に...を作ってあげる」は make ... for ~ なので



11. We had (     ) snow last winter.
  ア. no イ. many ウ. not エ. a few
12. I don't have any money with me.  Can you (     ) tomorrow?
  ア. lend me 1000 yen to
  イ. lend me 1000 yen until
  ウ. borrow 1000 yen by
  エ. borrow 1000 yen until
13. The *patient was made (     ) all day by the doctor.   *患者
  ア. be staying イ. stay ウ. to be stayed エ. to stay
14. You do have some paper, (     ) you?  I need to write to my brother.
  ア. aren't イ. don't ウ. wouldn't エ. won't
15. There was little water (     ) in the bottle.
  ア. leave イ. leaved ウ. left エ. leaving
16. Don't forget (     ) your cell phone when you go out.
  ア. to bring イ. brings ウ. bringing エ. brought
17. Yuri is my grandmother's daughter.  She is my (     ).
  ア. brother イ. child ウ. aunt エ. uncle
18. We have (     ) rain here in this summer.
  ア. many イ. much ウ. more エ. most
19. Cheese is made (     ) milk.
  ア. in イ. on ウ. at エ. from
20. If it (     ) next Sunday, we won't go to the beach.
  ア. rained イ. rains ウ. rain エ. raining
11. have+no+名詞「~が全くない」という表現なので
12. lend「貸す」borrow「借りる」until「~まで(ずっと)」by「~まで(には)」なので
13. be+made+to不定詞「~させられる」なので
14. 付加疑問文。コンマの前の文の動詞がdoなので
15. 過去分詞による後置修飾。「残されている少しの水」→「水がほとんどない」なので
16. 不定詞。forget+to「忘れずに~する」forget+ing「~する(した)のを忘れる」なので
17. 「友里は私の祖母の娘」→叔母 なので
18. rainは数えられない名詞なので。比較級、最上級は×
19. be+made+from「(原料)から作られる」なので。(見ただけでは原料がわからない)
20. 未来のことでもifの中は現在の文なので



21. I asked her (     ) me tomorrow.
  ア. call イ. to call ウ. calling エ. called
22. When (     ) the office? - Ten minutes ago.
  ア. has he left イ. does he leave ウ. did he leave エ. was he left
23. (     ) did he go to Hokkaido? - By plane.
  ア. Why イ. How ウ. When エ. Where
24. This T-shirt is too small for me.  Show me (     ) size.
  ア. other イ. others ウ. another エ. each other
25. "Between you and me" means that the topic is a (     ) one.
  ア. true イ. secret ウ. funny エ. difficult
26. The train arrived 10 minutes late (     ) it snowed heavily.
  ア. that イ. so ウ. if エ. because
27. The captain called (     ) of the basketball team.
  ア. every member イ. every members ウ. all member エ. each members
28. Hurry up, (     ) you will miss the last train.
  ア. and イ. so ウ. but エ. or
29. Must I finish the homework today? - No, you (     ) finish the homework today.
  ア. must イ. should ウ. have to エ. don't have to
30. This new car is very expensive for me.  I should find a (     ) car.
  ア. using イ. used ウ. use エ. uses
21.  ask + 人 + to不定詞:~に...するよう頼む
22.  10分前→過去の文
23.  飛行機で→どうやって→how
24.  他にもいくつかるときにもう一つという場合はanotherを使う
25.  ”ぼくらの間だけ”→”ここだけの話”→秘密
26.  大雪のため
27.  eachやeveryは単数形の名詞をとり、allは複数形をとる。(*every+複数:~ごとに)たまに使う
28.  命令文 + and:~しろ、そうすれば... 命令文 + or:~しろ、さもないと...
29.  ”いいえ。今日宿題を終わらせる必要ないよ。” Mustの疑問文にNoで答えるときはdon't have to
30.  新車:new car 中古車:used car



31. Look at the woman.  She (     ) long hair.
  ア. was having イ. have ウ. having エ. has
32. If he (     ) my birthday party, I'll be very happy.
  ア. join イ. is join ウ. joins エ. is going to joining
33. Why are you leaving?  You (     ) go out.
  ア. don't have to イ. must ウ. will エ. have to
34. I don't like this cap.  Please show me (     ).
  ア. it イ. one ウ. other エ. another
35. You drink (     ) alcohol.  It's bad for you health.
  ア. too many イ.enough ウ. too much エ. so few
36. This PC is the most expensive (     ) the three.
  ア. of イ. than ウ. in エ. for
37. That picture was (     ) in Australia last year.
  ア. taking イ. took ウ. takes エ. taken
38. Bob and I are friends.  I (     ) him for a long time.
  ア. know イ. am knowing ウ. have known エ. have been knowing
39. When (     ) you come to Japan?  Your Japanese is very good.
  ア. have イ. did ウ. are エ. had
40. I (     ) my car key.  I must find it.
  ア. am losing イ. was losing ウ. lost エ. has lost
31.  主語が三人称単数形現在。
32.  if節の中は未来のことでも現在形。
33.  ”なんで行っちゃうの?出ていく必要はないのに。。。”
34.  another:(他の)もう一つ。
35.  too much + 数えられない名詞 too many + 数えられる名詞。
36.  最上級 + of + 数。
37.  受け身の文。
38.  現在完了の継続。”長い間彼を知っている”
39.  一般動詞を用いる過去の疑問文。
40.  一般動詞を用いる過去の文。



41. It is interesting (     ) with Mark.
  ア. have talked イ. to talk ウ. talk エ. for talking
42. She made me (     ) for an hour.
  ア. to wait イ. waiting ウ. wait エ. to be wait
43. I am really tired.  I need to stop (     ) a rest.
  ア. took イ. to take ウ. taking エ. taken
44. The song (     ) by the students in this school was written by a famous musician.
  ア. to sing イ. sang ウ. sung エ. singing
45. Look!  There are many birds (     ) the roof.
  ア. for イ. on ウ. at エ. to
46. This is the Christmas card (     ) my host family in the U.S. sent to me.
  ア. who イ. whom ウ. whose エ. which
47. We wonder (     ) yesterday.
  ア. he goes where
  イ. where did he went
  ウ. where he went
  エ. he went where
48. When in Rome, do (     ) the Romans do.
  ア. as イ. because ウ. for エ. since
49. We had no other choice but to wait (     ) the next train came.
  ア. since イ. by ウ. after エ. until
50. There will be some presents from my friends on my birthday, (     )?
  ア. won't they イ. aren't they ウ won't there エ. will they
41.  形式主語の文。It is ~ (for 人) to不定詞
42.  make + 人 + 動詞の原形:~に...させる。
43.  stop + to不定詞:~するために立ち止まる stop + ing:~するのをやめる
44.  sing-sang-sung。過去分詞による後置修飾。”生徒たちに歌われる歌”
45.  "屋根の上"
46.  目的格の関係代名詞。my host famly in the U.S. sent it to me 先行詞がものなのでwhichかthat
47.  間接疑問文。文中に疑問文を入れるときは 疑問詞 + 主語 + 動詞
48.  ”郷に入れば郷に従え”
49.  since:~以来 by:~まで(には) after:~のあと until:~まで(ずっと)
50.  付加疑問文。文頭がthere willなので、否定形にして倒置。