中2英語❖Unit7学年末テスト用❖NEW HORIZON2 | 赤城❤︎.*



=Unit7  文法チェック=


   ① ~er + than …

   ② more ~ + than …


   ① the + ~est 

   ② the most + ~

   ③ in … (…がまとまり)   of … (…が数量)

□ 同等比較「~と同じくらい…だ」

   ① as … as ~

1.  次の(  )内から適する語を選ぼう。

① The rabbit is ( small / smaller / smallest ) than the koala.

②   John is the ( tall / taller / tallest ) of the three.

③ Haruka is ( famouser / more famouse / most famous ) than Kumi.

④ Math is the ( difficultest / more difficult / most difficult ) of all subjects.

⑤   John is the ( goodest / better / best ) player on our team.

⑥   Miho is as ( tall / taller / tallest ) as Sally.

smaller  直後にthanがあるので比較級

tallest  直前にtheがあるので最上級

more famous  直後にthanがあり、famousはerがつけられない

most difficult  直前にtheがあり、difficultはestがつけられない

best  goodの最上級はbest

tall  as~asの中は原形

2.  <   >内の語を適切な形にかえて書こう。ただし、2語になる場合がある。

①   My mother is <busy> than my father.

②   February is the <cold> of four months.

③   Your computer is <useful> than mine.

④   Soccer is the <exciting> of all sports.

⑤   Emi can speak English <well> than Nana.

①   busier   yをiに変えるのを忘れずに

②   coldest   theがあるので最上級

③   more useful   erがつけられないのでmoreを使う

④   most exciting   estがつけられないのでmostを使う

⑤   better   wellとgoodの比較級はbetter

3. (   )に適切な語を書こう。

①   祖母は彼の面倒をみました。

     His grandmother (   ) (   ) (   ) him.

②   彼は賛美歌に興味がありました。

     He (   ) (   ) (   ) hymns.

③   彼は困っている人々を助けることを決心しました。

     He (   ) (   ) help other people in need.

④   彼は自分の歌を誇りに思っています。

     He (   ) (   ) (   ) his singing.

⑤   アンはすばらしい考えを思いつきました。

     Ann (   ) (   ) a great idea.

⑥   ゆうじはもはや子供ではありません。

     Yuji is (   ) (   ) a child.

①   His grandmother took care of him.   ※take care of : 面倒をみる、世話をする

②   He was interested in hymns.   ※be interested in : 興味がある

③   He decided to help other people in need.   ※decide to : 決心する

④   He is proud of his singing.   ※be proud of : 誇りに思う

⑤   Ann thought of a great idea.   ※think of : 思いつく

⑥   Yuji is no longer a child.   ※no longer : もはや、もう


①   Eri's bike is big.  "Maryのものよりも大きい"という文に

②   Ben runs fast.   "三人の中でいちばん速い"という文に

③   Alex is my good friend.   "アレックスは私の最も良い友達だ"という文に

④   Time is important.   "お金と同じくらい重要だ"という文に

Eri's bike is bigger than Mary's.   gを2回書くのに注意

Ben runs the fastest of the three.

Alex is my best friend.   good - better - best 

Time is as important as money.

5.日本文にあうよう〔  〕内の語を並べかえて書こう。

① 箱を作るのはテーブルを作るのより簡単です。

〔 is / making / making / than / a table / easier / a box 〕.

② あなたのクラスで最も人気のある生徒はだれですか?

〔 is / in / who / the most / your class / student / popular 〕?

③ 人々にとって生活はより良くなるでしょう。

〔 will / life / better / the people / for / become 〕.

④ 私は拓也ほど疲れていません。

〔 not / Takuya / I / tired / as / am / as 〕.

①   Making a box is easier than making a table.

②   Who is the most popular student in your class ?

③   Life will become better for the people.

④   I am not as tired as Takuya.   ※not as ~ as ... : ...ほど~でない


①   Tom can swim faster than Ben.

      Ben (   ) swim (   ) fast (   ) Tom.


②   Yuki is older than Meg.   Meg is older than Emi.

      Emi is (   ) (   ) (   ) the three.

can't,  as,  as   


the,  youngest,  of



①   What season do you like the best ?

②   Who is the tallest in your family ?

③   Is English more difficult than math ?

①   ex. I like summer the best.

②   ex. My father is the tallest in my family.

③   ex. Yes, it is.   (No, it is not.)

