Lesson3 高1英語表現 BIG DIPPER English Expression | 赤城❤︎.*



Lesson2 名詞の数に気をつけよう


Practice 1

(1) I want to buy a new bicycle.


(2) Have you visited foreign countries?


(3) There are a lot of books on the desk.


(4) Jim collects many kinds of stamps.



Practice 2

(1) Her parents are teachers.

(2) Some of my friends are(come) from Osaka.


Practice 3

(1) This dish is made of paper.

(2) My father bought a paper.

(3) We often eat chiken.

(4) They keep four chikens.


Practice 4

(1) Clean air is important.

(2) The dog drinks a lot of water.


Practice 5

(1) The sun rises in the east.

(2) I'll go shopping for a new hat.

(3) Kate is a very kind person.

(4) Time is money.


Practice 6

(1) I'll go to the station and meet him.

(2) This is a nice room.  I like the color of the carpet.


英語表現 目次