Hello everyone, or good evening・・・




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we recommend that you start from the article below.






The Great Saint in the title refers to the Ascended Master.
Thos refers to the Egyptian god Thoth.


I never thought I'd make a new post, but I just noticed something and 

am in a hurry to type it out.


Today, as if I was being guided by something, I opened the 

``Emerald Tablet '' and was shocked to see so 

many things that I needed right now.


One of the things that seemed necessary was a description of 

``breathing techniques ''.


My daily training consists of walking for around 15 minutes, 

light muscle training, reciting 9 types of mantras, 

and meditating for 10 to 15 minutes.


In addition to this, I try to understand and read all phenomena as divine signs,

but I have not yet reached the point where I have clearly improved the level 

of my soul, especially telepathy and the ability to read the Akashic records.


In other words, I felt stuck and was looking for a way to break out of the current situation, so I am grateful to God for giving me such a wonderful hint.


On pages 18 to 19 of the preface of " The Emerald Tablet,"  

there is a specific description of the " Seven Breathing Techniques."


This breathing method triggers the opening of the ``third eye chakra'' 

and enables the activation of ``creative abilities.''


 First, sit comfortably.


While mentally reciting Om seven times, inhale and collect it in

the lower abdomen, and hold the breath for seven Oms.


Next, relax your lower abdomen and stretch your back a little.

Make the solar plexus swell.


In other words, the bottom of the ribs should bulge out a little.

Hold the Om chant for seven times, then slowly exhale through your nose.


The length of time you say it should be 

the length of chanting Om seven times.

This is the secret of great conscious expansion, and is the teaching 

of the Great Saint Toth.




This breathing method can be done for just 2 to 3 minutes.


As a supplementary note, the part 

(inhaling and holding the breath in the lower abdomen) 

generally corresponds to abdominal breathing, 

so anyone studying brass band or vocal music will be familiar with this.


I also think that this breathing method is often used in martial arts and 

sports-related situations.


 Please refer to the video below.




I hope you understand that consciously using abdominal breathing 

on a daily basis can have a significant impact on your health.


In addition to that, why not try adding 

``The Seven Breathing Great Saint Toth'' to your daily training?



 " Emerald Tablet "

The original text is engraved on an emerald stone tablet.

Tote chopsticks, edited by M. Dorill / Ryuo Bunko, regular price, 1,700 yen



Oh no, no no, no, something good happened yesterday.
I witnessed and photographed a double rainbow.


Maebashi City in Gunma Prefecture was hit by heavy rain 

from around 4 p.m. and continued until after 5 p.m.


Then, I had a flash of inspiration.
I was wondering if I might see a rainbow...


The heavy rain suddenly calmed down and the sun began to shine.


Thinking this was my chance, I went outside and sure enough, 

there was a rainbow looming against the dull clouds...


As I gazed excitedly at the faint pillar of the rainbow, 

the rainbow-colored arch gradually emerged more clearly, 

stretching out above my head.


Before I knew it, a faint pillar of rainbow called a 

secondary rainbow had appeared on the left side of 

the rainbow called the primary rainbow.


" Whaaaaat ? " I was so surprised that I took pictures several times.


I hadn't seen a double rainbow in decades, 

so I can safely consider it an act of extreme good fortune.


When I searched online, I found the following:


1. Your wish will come true
2. Sign of blessing
3. A sign of a new start
4. Signs that your life will improve


Here is the double rainbow that was photographed.



Although I was not able to capture the whole picture, I am deeply grateful.

This can be said to be the pinnacle of God's art,

the crystallization of God's science.



  Today's cat video.

It goes without saying, but I love cats.

Naturaly, I also love Goddess Nakisawame, the cat goddess, 

also known as the Egyptian goddess Bastet.


He is also the god of Sirius D and Nyan Toro.