Hello everyone, or good evening...

If you are reading this blog for the first time, 

we recommend that you start from the article below.






The following article is from K.
Excerpts and edits will be published.


"  Child sperm whale washed ashore on Isohara coast "


This has also come to a very easy-to-understand place...


Recently, among the messages sent from the heavenly world, 

the ``superlative message'' has been sent.


This is quite a “decisive blow”.


Isohara Station on the JR Joban Line is located right next to 

Isohara Beach in Isohara Town, Isohara Town, Kitaibaraki City, 

Ibaraki Prefecture, and near there is「 Kouso Kotai Shrine 」


◆「皇祖皇太神宮」( Kou so Ko tai Jin gu )

  Address: 835 Isohara, Isohara-cho, Kitaibaraki-shi, Ibaraki


I can't reveal too much about Kouso Kotai Jingu on this blog, 

so I'll just stick to the most basic parts.


This sacred place is known for the existence of the 

famous ancient document ``Takenouchi Documents''.


This is based on the "Takenouchi Documents".
As I have told you before, the reason why the gods of the heavenly world

came from the Sirius star system on spaceships was to connect 

the forever One lineage to the Earth.

There are descriptions of how the ancient imperial family before Emperor Jimmu ruled 

not only over Japan but also over the entire surface of the earth as "world emperors."


In the existing earthly material world, the ``Takenouchi Documents'' have been treated as 

``false books,'' and the ``Kojiki'' and ``Nihon Shoki,''

which are full of lies and falsifications, have been treated as ``historical documents.''


What this indicates is that the existing Earth's material world

 is a "society built on lies" and is fundamentally wrong.


In other words, there is only one reason why the sperm whale came

 to the place where the "True Historical Document" called 

"Takenouchi Documents" is located.


This is to convey this message:

 “This is a harbinger of heaven and earth being turned upside down.”


Deity enshrined at 「皇祖皇太神宮 =  Kou so Ko tai Shrine 」

1. 天地身一大神(あめつち まひとつの おおかみ)さん
 Ame tuti ma hitotu no O kami

2. 元無極體主王大御神(もとふみ くらいみぬし おおかみ)さん
 Motohu mi kurai nusi O kami
3. 天国竈大神(てんごく かまどの おおかみ)さん
 Ten goku kamado no O kami
4. 皇祖皇太神(すめおや すめら おおたましい おおかみ)さん
 Sumeoya sumera ootamasii O kami
5. 別祖大神(とこおや おおたましい おおかみ)さん
 Tokooya ootamasii O kami
6. 神国御廟命大神(しんこく みたま みことの おおかみ)さん
 Sinn koku mitama mikotono O kami
7. 神明三十日明大神(かみあかり みそ ひまもり おおかみ)さん
 Kami akari miso himamori O kami
8. 日月人風光主大神(ひつき ほおひの おおかみ)さん
 Hi tuki hohino O kami

 It is made up of eight pillars.

If you look at the genealogy of the ancient imperial family written in the
「 Takenouchi Documents 」元無極體主王大御神 is listed first.

However, above that, even before that,
there is a flow in which 天地身一大神 came down.

This is written in the「 ​unbroken imperial line System 」,Just to be sure,

if you look at the Akashic Records that exist in the Sunflower Galaxy

which is located at the highest peak of the entire universe, 

you will find that these gods are humanoid life forms, 

and that they are the "prototypical ancestors." 

All of the eight deities enshrined above are humanoid life forms.

It is named this way to represent the creation of the heavens and earth, 

and the Sunflower Galaxy has a different name, 

but it is not disclosed on this blog.

These gods have existed for about 300 billion years, 

based on the time axis of the Earth's material world.


In other words, the gods of the heavenly world, or the ancient imperial family,

are a complete cosmic race, and are not the world 

of some kind of imagination or metaphor.


After entering the New Earth Age, the meaning of this will become clear 

to those who are residents of the Light who have entered it.


There is a very important keyword, “World Emperor,” 

but it is completely private from view on this blog.


The heavenly world has already decided on this matter, 

and the planetary consciousness of the earth has received 

this decision and is acting on it.



Here, I will list the seven generations of Tenjin.
Please compare it with the deity enshrined at 

"Kou so Kotai Shrine" mentioned above.


「皇祖皇太神宮 =  Kou so Ko tai Shrine 」



「 天神七代神 Seven Gods of Tenjin 」

first generation.  元無極躰主王大御神 = Creator

        Motofu mi Cly no mi no nusi O mi kami 

2. 中末分主大神 Naka nashi wakare nushi O kami

3. 天地分主尊大神 Ame tsuchi wakare nushi no O kami

4. 天地分大底主大神 Ame tsuchi wakashi O soco nushi O kami
5. 天一天柱主大神  Ame hajime ame hasira nusi O kami  ( jehovah god )
6. 国万造主大神 Kuni yorozu tukuri nusi no O kami

       Ame mi hikari O hina kaki ou hi O teru hi O kami

    Ame mi hikari oho innna kaki ou meno O kami 



There are the following three roads between

「皇祖皇太神宮 =  Ko so Ko tai Shrine 」and Isohara Beach.


“Route 6” → Number Spirit  “6” → “Hexagram”
“Route 22” → Number spirit “22” → “Earth”
“Route 300” → Number spirit “300” → ““The World of Miroku””

“The Earth enters the hexagram and enters the world of Miroku”


The hexagram refers to the spiritual view of the Sirius star system

 from the back side, as seen from the Earth.


In other words, ``the Earth entering the hexagram'' means that the 

spiritual and the physical will definitely become one,

 and a state of integration will occur.


The energy line that connects Koso Kotai Shrine and 

Isohara Coast and goes out to sea,


“The line where the energy of Christ (Sananda) consciousness enters and exits”


This means that a ``superlative message'' from the heavenly world 

was sent to this sacred place.



The secret of the ancient document  "  Takenouchi Documents "


I would like to tell you what kind of book the

 ancient document ``Takenouchi Monjo'' is.


The space information below has been downloaded from 

the Akashic Records located within the Sunflower Galaxy, 

located at the highest peak of the entire universe.


★ As of December 2010, the frequency dimension domain

  of the Sunflower Galaxy

 Material-nonmaterial dimensiona domain→ 984.1 dimensional domain
 Spiritual dimension domain → 1253.1 dimension domain


The information source for the ancient document

 "Takenouchi Documents" is 「月讀命 = Tsuku yomi no Mikoto.」


Takenouchi means " listening to the sound of bamboo with your inner voice."

※ 「竹=Take= bamboo」


“The sound of bamboo” refers to Tsuku yomi no Mikoto, 

and the sound he makes when he appears has the resonance of bamboo.


The ancient document ``Takenouchi Documents'' describes the history

of the entire universe from the time when the ``Tree of Life,'' the origin 

of the universe, was born, centering on the 「The forever One lineage」


The estimated time and space axis where the "Tree of Life," 

the origin of the universe, was born is 319,199,982,371 years ago

in the Earth's material world, going back from the present moment of

December 2010 in the Christian era.


This was the beginning of the history of the entire universe, 

but the three pillars that still exist in the "Tree of Life" at the origin 

of the universe contain memories from before that time.


 There, life forms had not yet been born, but


1. Particles of light were crowded together in the endless white space.


2. There is no beginning or end in the universe;

  everything circulates forever and ever.


3. Who is the Creator? It remains dormant in your soul consciousness,

  in your genes, as your eternal task.


These three articles are written on the three pillars of the ``Tree of Life,'' 

the origin of the universe.


The ``Tree of Life,'' the origin of the universe, holds a mystery for us, 

the life forms that exist in the entire universe.


Our entire lives will not be complete until these riddles are completely solved.


However, even after these riddles are completely solved, 

our whole lives will have a new beginning.



“ Because there is no beginning or end in this universe.”

Even the residents of the Sunflower Galaxy, 

located at the highest peak in the universe, are still unable to solve this riddle.
Therefore, we on earth do not have to worry about our lives in this world.


This universe has no beginning or end, so phenomena such as

 ``death'' are nothing more than an illusion.


The Earth's physical world is nothing more than a laboratory.


However, it is the system that can contribute the fastest

to the spiritual evolution of the entire universe.


The ancient document ``Takenouchi Documents'' describes 

the genealogy of the ancient imperial family.


They are beings called divine beings in the heavenly world, 

and they are, so to speak, our distant ancestors.


Let's think about the mysteries of the universe based on Mr. K's article above.



『 The three articles written on the three pillars of the

  “Tree of Life” at the origin of the universe ! 』


1. Particles of light were crowded together in the endless white space.


2. There is no beginning or end in the universe;

  everything circulates forever and ever.


3. Who is the Creator? It remains dormant in your soul consciousness,

  in your genes, as your eternal task.


 Article 2,

 【 The universe has no beginning or end.
     Everything is in an eternal cycle. 】

  This mystery is really interesting.

I think my existence is
I think it corresponds to 「zero = 0 = spirit = present 」

No matter how time moves, I believe that my time is always 

zero = spirit = present !


※ In Japanese, spirit = 霊=Rei = 0.


If you base yourself on yourself, the world will revolve around you.

Similarly, when it comes to time, your existence is always zero and present.
Furthermore, it will always be the top and center of the earth.


And the Creator is the pinnacle and true center of all dimensions 

of the entire universe.


I thought that the theory was difficult to understand,

 so on July 13, 2020, I hurriedly created an illustration.
So let's take a look at the illustration.




Suppose you are the person standing directly above 

the circle representing the earth.
Furthermore, use the right eye as your other perspective.

Then you will always be standing on top of the earth.
It's the same thing if you replace it with someone else's perspective.


Also, if you try to look at the Earth from a point of view that is far away, 

right above you, you will naturally realize that you are

at the true center of the Earth.


 That diagram applies to everyone.


What I want to say here is that we should never look down on ourselves,

even if we are just one being in the universe.
Everyone is at the very center of the earth, so we must be aware 

of this and have a strong sense of responsibility.


 According to this theory, a person's essence, soul or chakra,

   inherits the nature of its creator.


That is why we must recognize that we have a great responsibility

and always work hard to improve our spiritual consciousness.


Otherwise, it would not be a proof of gratitude to the Creator and 

the God who actually gave birth to our souls.


 Will we climb the tree of life that is the origin of the universe?  
 Will it go down the other way?


Perhaps the tips of the branches of the tree of life and

the tips of its roots are connected in a beautiful arc.


The phrase "eternally cyclical" suggests the shape of the universe.


If the same applies to everything...then the lifespan of the soul

of a living being will also be eternal !
In that case, it would be extremely foolish to commit 

a crime for the sake of temporary pleasure.


Everything you imagine, say and do is recorded in Earth's Akashic Records.
Therefore, a perfect crime is impossible.
The true nature of humans is to walk obediently towards the light of the sun.



Also, 0 is not nothing, but plays the role of connecting point A and point B.


In terms of numbers, they are (-10) ~ (-1) ~ 0 ~ (+1) ~ (+10) ~.
If you do not always put 0 before and after 1 to 9, 

the decimal numbers cannot continue.

The same is true for the relationship between past, present, and future...
It just means that the current value is 0.
However, that 0 will pass in an instant.


(Added on March 22, 2024)


No, 0 will not pass !


If we assume that is the present, then I think that from the present, 

which is 0, one's soul itself does not change, but only time, matter, 

and the body change.


In other words, past time and future time accumulate in opposite directions...
Materials deteriorate...


Hmm, they say the future is coming, so does the future already exist ?


This is probably because the experience points of good and evil, 

good virtues and vices have an influence!

The entities involved are angels and demons, spiritual guides and possessing spirits...

It is said that the present, past, and future are recorded in the Akashic Records,

but is this related to the time and space axes?

Furthermore, the inner universe, within the solar system, is a material universe, 

and the outer universe, outside the solar system, is a non-material universe.  

Moreover, even the time and space axes are different...? ? ?

Also, it is said that gods and angels are not restricted by time or space...

Nanu nanu? No!  It's no good thinking with the common sense of low-level humans.

If that happens, the long-standing mystery may be solved...

The mystery is the ``massive explosion of Mt. Fuji and Auresia (Betelgeuse),'' 

which is the key word for the solar system's great ascension plan.

In terms of human science, Mt. Fuji and Auresia do not explode 

at the same time in real time.

No, isn't it? I guess I didn't have that many doubts...

The distance from Earth to Auresia is approximately 640 light years

(measurement error 150 light years).

For example, if we were to see the light from the Auresia explosion now, 

that light would be from 640 years ago.

Even if Mt. Fuji were to explode before or after that, 

it would be a phenomenon that occurred almost simultaneously.

The most important thing is that all phenomena in the universe are controlled by the gods.

It will be carried out with perfect precision by God's super AI quantum computer (provisional name).

The phenomenon depends on the actions of humans living 

on the common planet of the universe.
Well then, it wouldn't be strange if you woke up right now!

It's a really dangerous situation!

"The great explosion of Mt. Fuji and Auresia (Betelgeuse)" is the 

key word for the solar system's great ascension plan.

This phenomenon will trigger a global cleansing process.

According to Mr. K, in order to purify the pollution on the surface of the earth, 

human souls must be forcibly relocated from the earth to their 

respective reincarnation destinations.

It seems that most people go to the inner world of Mars by their own will...?

Most people seem to like the idea of eternal reincarnation, but I don't understand it.

In any case, in the future, Earth's continents will sink into the ocean floor 

and seawater will be used to cleanse nuclear materials and other harmful substances.

After that, over a long period of time, all the pollution will be completely purified,

and the continent will rise to the surface.

What time will we land on the new Earth?

What will you do?

However, there is a proviso.

If we look at what has happened so far,

it is clear that God's plan has been postponed considerably.
The original plan has been changed, and how the Great Purification 

will proceed depends on what humans do!

It may mean that.

There is no way of knowing whether this situation occurred because 

human actions exceeded God's expectations, 

or whether it was simply due to God's convenience, but it is convenient for humans.


You should work hard to "purify your heart and soul" right now! !


The more I think about it, the more interesting the universe becomes.
I've fallen so deeply into it that I can't help but explore the mysteries 

of the universe for eternity !

 How about you?

The answer to a mystery can only be given to 

those who make the effort to find it !


Around that 0, 1 to 9 continue, and then 10, 11, 12, etc. 

Will it go up or go down? 

Is it plus or minus?


 Is it the path of divine truth ?  Is it an evil path ?

  It goes on forever and revolves…



In the genealogy of the ancient imperial family written in the ``Takeuchi Documents''

 mentioned above, the Motofu mi Cly no mi no nusi O mi kami 

, who is said to be the first generation of Tenjin, is listed first.


However, above that, even before that, there is a flow in which 

Ame tuti ma hitotu no O kami descended.


This god is a humanoid-type life form, and there is a description 

that it is 『 its prototype ancestor. 』


Furthermore, Three articles written on the three pillars 

of the ``Tree of Life'' at the origin of the universe .


1. Particles of light were crowded together in the endless white space.


Isn't this part of the power derived from Ame tuti ma hitotu no O kami 

the deity enshrined first in Koso Kotai Shrine?


Let's apply this to my hypothesis that

『 all dimensions of the universe exist within the imagination of the creator.』
Then, wouldn't the only way to materialize the creator's imagination be to

send a split soul into one's own imagination ?


In other words, within the imagination of the Gods 

of Ame tuti ma hitotu no O kami , He gave birth to the 

Motofu mi Cly no mi no nusi O mi kami,

who is a split soul and the first generation of Tenjin.


Therefore, the Motofu mi Cly no mi no nusi O mi kami may have manipulated the 

particles of light that crowded the white space and gradually built theuniverse...
And then,  probably gave birth to the next two and three generations of great gods...


However, strictly speaking, the Creator is the  Ame tuti ma hitotu no O kami,

but within this universe, the Creator is the God of the

Motofu mi Cly no mi no nusi O mi kami .


Even if this theory were to be the answer to the mystery of the Creator, 

it could be said that the world in which the 

Ame tuti ma hitotu no O kami exists is outside the universe.
This mystery can be said to be an eternal mystery.

I have no clue as to this mystery.

Another thing I can say is that no matter what world there is, 

there is no such thing as nothingness. Nothing is born from nothing.
What is expressed as nothing is itself something that exists.

Therefore, I assure you that living things are not nothing, 

neither before they are born nor after they die.
Therefore, we must take responsibility for our current and past actions.
The human soul has undergone numerous reincarnations.
Along the way, we have accumulated achievements and sins.

Now is the time of reckoning.

What we need now is to always be conscious of the act of 

``purifying our hearts and souls,'' and at the same time offer prayers

of heartfelt apology and gratitude to God every day.




If you spend your days without thinking about it, you'll fall to the level of an animal.
Let's have fun learning from the universe created by God...


By the way, for those who don't know what a prime number is... 

"A prime number is an integer that is divisible only by 1 and itself."


 So, today's cat video...     


 Talking cat Shio-chan's [Vocabulary collection]




  No, it's soothing. That makes me laugh!



  Please take a look at the pretty cat image...

  By the way, I'm more of a cat person.




  Okay, now what is this cat thinking now?









    Guuuuu  Guuuuu  Gu ・・・








 In a dream, I ate my favorite canned cat and said, ``Wow!'' and I was right!


 By the way, please have a look at my favorite Jalan cat, Kippu-kun!




Furthermore, let me introduce you to my favorite cat god, 

the Egyptian god Bastet!


   バステト - Wikipedia を参照してください。




Sirius D → ニャン・トーロー  Nyan Toro (can only live inside the planet)

★ Divine name in Japan → 

 泣澤女神 Nakisawame no kami / Number of spirits: 122
★ Divine name in ancient Egyptian civilization → Bastet

* 泣澤女神 Nakisawame no kami is the daughter of 

 伊耶那美命 Izanami no Mikoto. So the head is that of a cat.