Im Too Busy for Me | when things go wrong.

when things go wrong.


Everyone is busy nowadays. It's hard to find time for anything. From the time we wake up in the morning until the time we go to bed, it's hard to find 30 minutes to simply be by yourself. If you are married with children, I know you can relate to what I am saying.

I have a girlfriend who is single and we were having the discussion about how the grass is always greener on the other side. I said I would love to have a few days when I come home to an empty house with peace and quiet. She said she would love to put the key in the door, knowing that someone is on the other end.

I had to laugh because although that sounds great, once it is a reality there are days when you wish everyone on the other side of the door would simply disappear for about an hour so you can come home and relax without having to start dinner, do homework, bathe children, iron clothes for the next day or prepare lunch for everyone to take to school and work the following day. I know I sure wish that would happen and I believe that most married women with children can relate to what I am saying.

Don't get me wrong! I love my family with all of my heart and all of my soul. But if they disappeared for an hour or two, I would probably love them even more. If I had just one day when no one was yelling, "Mommy!" or "Honey!" I wouldn't be mad.

In fact, finding time to be by yourself is totally necessary if you wish to live a happy, prosperous and purpose driven life. If there is noise going on around you 24/7 it's impossible to hear the quiet voice that speaks inside of us-that guides us and gives us direction on which path we should take. If that voice is not used to being heard, eventually, it would quiet itself and that is no good.