今日はとりさん(^_^;) -An own goal :-| | とりのアメブロ







  自動放送「まもなく宮原、宮原、お出口は右側です。The next station is Miyahara. The doors on the right side will open.」


ししし、しまった~、爆睡して途中駅の記憶なし!! 運転見合わせほどは痛くないにしても、それなりにダメージがありますね(^_^;)。




Good evening, this is Tori's writing.


Today I took the 7:24 p.m. Shonan-Shinjuku line train for Kagohara from Shinjuku station direct to the Takasaki line. The destination is Omiya station is Omiya, but......


An automatic announce "The next station is Miyahara. The doors on the right side will open."


OH, MY GOD!!! I had completely fallen asleep and I didn't remember all stations on my way to Miyahara!! A damage is not so big, comparing with usual ACCIDENTS like operation being stopped, but it hit me...... :-|


I hope I will be able to wake up at Omiya station.


【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo


< A juvenile Jackasss Penguin at Ueno Zoo on January 21. If my eyes were opening only a bit, the result might be changed...... >