今日の訪問地-その17- -The 17th visiting place in 2017 | とりのアメブロ






水族博物館のすごいところは、マゼランペンギンの飼育数! なんと、今日現在で126羽で、これはマゼランペンギンでは日本最大の個体群になります♪

亜成鳥もたくさんいて、その数10羽! すごい繁殖成績です~。さらにすごいのは、こんなにペンギンがいるのに、どのペンギンが何匹のアジを食べたか3人体制で記録をつけていること。う~ん、すごい(^_^)。


Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Today I visited Joetsu Municipal Aquarium!

I visited Joetsu City when the Penguin Conference Japan General meeting was held last year, but at that time, penguins' exhibition was suspended due to Bird Flu, so I didn't visit there. So I visited there after a few years interval.

By the way, this aquarium will close on May 14, 2017, because they prepare for the new aquarium that will open next year. So I felt I must visit the present aquarium this time.

The greatest point of this aquarium is the number of Magellanic Penguins! They keep 126 penguins today and this is the most number in Japan!

In addition, there are many juvenile penguins in this aquarium and the number is ten! It's very great. Also, though there are so many penguins, three keepers check and write how many fish penguins eat. Umm......GREAT!! :-D

Next year, the new exhibition will open, so I'm looking forward to seeing it. Of course, I will visit there again!

【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo


< Magellanic Penguins at Joetsu Municipal Aquarium on May 5. Due to Bird Flu, the pool was covered with nets, but they are set to protect penguins, so we have difficulty in watching them, but we must stand! >