間が空いて・・・(^_^;) -There is an an interval and... | とりのアメブロ





個人種目ではないので、ちゃんと来週までに自主練して歌えるようにしようっと! 頑張ります~♪

Good evening, this is Tori's writing.

I went to Odawara to join the rehearsal after a long interval. The last rehearsal was done on January 8, but it was very dangerous for me. :-| I could not sing songs at all! :<

Chorus is not an individual event, so I must practice by myself and become singing well! I will do my best!!

【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo


< King Penguins at Tokyo Sea Life Park on January 21. The penguin's activity is different according to the species. King Penguins like moving together! >