だれちょこSUPER BASIC! -Dare-Choko SUPER BASIC! | とりのアメブロ





今日は帰宅が1時になってしまいました・・・というのも、今日は「だれちょこSUPER BASIC」を受講してきたからです!




しかし、この講座、受講して本当によかったです!! 今まで訪問したことのない園館の方ともたくさんお話しできましたし、講座の内容自体も単純に素晴らしいだけでなく、私が誤解していたことをきちんと勉強できたので♪


詳しくはまた明日にでも! 講師の冨澤さん、ありがとうございました!!


Good evening, this is Tori's writing.


Today I came home at 1:00 a.m. because I studied about 'Population Management' by taking a lecture 'Dare-Choko SUPER BASIC'!


Before one of my friend took the same lecture and she said "Smoke comes out from her ears", but I felt "Brain would melt down". :-)


But I felt very happy to take this lecture!! As I  could talk with many keepers who work at zoos and aquariums where I had never visited, and also I could study about many things that I misunderstood before!


I will write about them tomorrow! Thank you very much, Kanako!!


【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo



< King Penguins at Tokyo Sea Life Park on January 2. From now, I will be able to enjoy visiting zoos and aquariums with thinking of 'Population Management'! >