今日の訪問地-その4- -The 4th visiting place in 2017 | とりのアメブロ




今日も盛り沢山な1日でした。まず、朝は仙台うみの杜水族館を訪問してきました。前回訪問からちょうど2週間が過ぎましたが、キングペンギンのひながすごく成長しており、幼綿羽がもうほとんどない状態に! びっくりしました~。すくすく育ってくれて、彼のお父さん、お母さんかのごとく嬉しかったです。

そして、12時からは仙台中心部のau SENDAIでマリンピア松島水族館VR体感イベントのお手伝いをしてきました。専用ゴーグルを装着し、360℃回転のスペシャルシートに座ると、もうそこはマリンピア松島水族館!! 私は初めてのVR体験でしたが、とても楽しかったです。自分の動きで角度を変えられるなんて、たまりません♪






Good evening, this is Tori's writing.

There were many evnts today, too. First, I visited Sendai Umino-Mori Aquarium in the morning. Just two weeks have passed since I visited before and I found he/she had grown so well that there are few chick's young feather! I was very surprised. :-) I was very glad to see him/her as if I were his/her parents.

And in the afternoon, I visited au SENDAI shop in central Sendai city to help an event that guests can experience Virtual Reality System to visit Marinepia Matsushima Aquarium virtually. When wearing goggles for VR System and sitting on the special sheet that can round 360°, WE ARE NOW IN Marinepia Matsushima Aquarium!! I could enjoy sooooooo much though it was the first experience for me. As I can change angles freely, it was very exciting!

Many visitors have good impressions and this was the best impression from guests for me

"I haven't viisted there, however, I felt that the aquarium is very heartwarming. I could understand the aquarium was so loved."

I got Such impressions from eje corp. staffs, who helped us too.

Nineteen months have passed since the aquarium closed, but I think it is still brilliant. There are no buildings where the aquarium was, but I strongly felt that the spirit of the aquarium is still alive.

Thank you very much, Marinepia Matsushima Aquarium!

【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo


< A King Penguin Chick at Sendai Umino-Mori Aquarium on January 15. When I will visit there next time, I may not call him/her 'CHICK'! >