降りられません!? -Can't we get off the train!? | とりのアメブロ







降りられない!? こんな放送、初めて聞きました! 恐るべし、ハロウィーン。あ~、びっくりした。。。


Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Today such an announce was spoken at Shinjuku station!


A station staff "Passengers for Shibuya station by taking the Yamanote Line trains, now the platform at Shibuya station is very crowded, so if you get on the car No.1 or No.2, you can't get off the train at Shibuya station. Please get on cars as possible as you can go forward."


Can't get off the train!? I've never heard such an announce! Halloween has an unbelievable power...... I was very surprised today!


【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo



< King Penguin Sora (=Maybe) at Tokyo Sea Life Park on October 22. Oh, I'm unsure that he is Sora! :-| >