海外の方に声をかけられることが多い私。自分もチリで助けてもらったことがあるだけに、お互いさまと思って案内をさせていただいています♪ さっきの女性の旅行者さん、無事に阿佐ヶ谷についたかな・・・? (^_^)
Good evening, this is Tori's writing.
On my way home from Odawara, I was taking an express train for Shinjuku. At Shin-Yurigaoka station, I was asked whether this train would go to Shinjuku station or not from a foreign passenger.
I told "Yes, it's the final station." and I also taught her the way to the final destination, Asagaya station.
I am often asked by foreign passengers and I am usually going to help them as I was helped by Chilian when I visited Chile before! I wonder if she could arrive at Asagaya station...... :-)
【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo
< King Penguin Cool, Riku, White-Yellow (Temporary name) and Urara at Tokyo Sea Life Park on October 24. I'm very satisfied with King Penguins swimming time increasing! :-D >