クリスマス・チャリティーコンサートのご案内♪ | とりのアメブロ




 -An information of Chiristmas Charity Concert 2016!




小田原少年少女合唱隊&マルベリー・チェンバークワイア クリスマス・チャリティーコンサート


日時:2016年12月18日(日) 14:00 開演

場所:小田原市民会館 大ホール



今年はみなさまにも馴染みのあるクリスマスの曲を数多く歌います! 私がメンバーに加わってからは、最多です♪




Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Today I will write about Chiristmas Charity Concert held on December 18, 2016 that I will sing on the stage.


Odawara Children's Choir and Mulberry Chamber Choir Chiristmas Charity Concert


Date and time : December 18, 2016 2:00 p.m.

Place : Odawara Municipal House ( Large Hall )

Charge : 1,500 Yen (All seats non reserved)


We will sing many major Chiristmas Songs and the number is the most after I had joined the choir! :-)


Many co-workers had come to the concert before and I hear that they enjoyed it. I think you can enjoy the concert even if you haven't gone to a concert of chorus, so please visit the concert!


【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo



< King Penguin Riku at Tokyo Sea Life Park on October 22. She was swimming at all times and she looked so fine! >