今日のとりさん-その99- -The 99th ACCIDENT on my way | とりのアメブロ







Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Today I took the 6:30 p.m. Shonan-Shinjuku line train for Kagohara via the Takasaki line from Musashi-Kosugi station, but it met an ACCIDENT, so I can't accept any ACCIDENT from now on. :| It was running on time before arriving at Shinjuku station, but......

The conductor "Passengers, we confirmed safety between Itabashi and Jujo station on the Saikyo line soon before, so the Saikyo line trains are delayed now. This train will depart from Shinjuku station after trains will depart from platform No.2 and No.3. We apologize for your inconvenience."

This train arrived at Omiya station for five minutes delay, so this was the 99th.

I still have a goal that I will meet less than 100 ACCIDENTS, but...... :|

【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo

< Humboldt Penguins at Toba Aquarium on October 18. Different from the pool I introduced yesterday, this pool is a normal one! >