爆睡! -Sleep lile a dog! | とりのアメブロ





ちなみに、来週は小田原少年少女合唱隊の関東コンクールを応援に水戸まで行きます♪ 大宮からだと小山まで宇都宮線に乗り、そこから水戸線に乗り換えますが、問題は遅延と寝過ごし!! 「起きたら宇都宮」とか「起きたら勝田」なんて、やらかしたら目も当てられません~(^_^;;)。


Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Today I went to Odawara to join the ensemble of Mulberry Chamber Choir. As the ensemble started at 10 a.m., I slept like a dog on my way to Odawara. Only three and a half hours sleeping made me do so. :|

Some people say "I can't sleep in a train at all", but I am quite the opposite. :-) I envy such people! :)

By the way, I will go to Mito City to cheer Odawara Children Choir next week! To go to Mito station from Omiya station, I will take the Utsunomiya line to Oyama station and transfer for the Mito line. The problems are OVERSLEEPING and ACCIDENTS!! Such cases like "When woke up, I arrived at Utsunomiya station" or "When woke up, I arrived at Katsuta station" are not become jokes!!

I will pray for the Gods about many things. :)

【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo

< A King Penguin at Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan on September 21. He (She) is sleeping so well like me in the morning. >