今日の訪問地-その48~50- | とりのアメブロ



-The 48th, the 49th and the 50th visiting places in 2015

こんばんは、とりです。無事にさいたまに帰ってきました~! 今回の旅は無遅延で、天気もずっと晴れ。大変充実した旅行となりました♪



今日の歩数は23,115歩。昨日が22,178歩だったので、2日で45,293歩! 足も痛くなるはずです(^^;)。


Good evening, this is Tori's writing. I could come home safely! During this trip, there was no ACCIDENT and the weather was very fine all day long. It was very amazing trip for me!

Today I visited these zoos and this aquarium. Maybe it was the first time for me to visit three places in one day. :-)

1. Oji Zoo
2. Kyoto City Zoo
3. Kyoto Aquarium

The number of steps taken today was 23,115 and the number of yesterday was 22,178, so total steps were 25,293 in two days! It is natural that I have a feet ache.

From today I will introduce my pictures which I took during my trip for a while!

【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo
【今日(2015年9月22日(火))、王子動物園で撮ったキングペンギンのピンさんです。非公開との案内が出ていたのですが、早朝だけ見ることができました! 大ラッキー♪】

< King Penguin Pin at Oji Zoo on September 22. There was an information that we can't see a King Penguin today, but we could see him in the early morning! It was very lucky!! >