鰻♪ -Eel! | とりのアメブロ






ちなみに、売られていた鰻、1匹買ってきました♪ 売れ残ったらそれこそ廃棄処分(>_<)。せっかくなので、おいしくいただこうと思っています!

Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Today I went to Daiei supermarket after I went to Odawara to attend a practice. Then I found domestic eel. Eel is in danger of becoming extinct and it is set to endangered species, so it is sold at a high price.

But it was crazy before, I think. Not to think resources of it and to fish it extra continuously, its price went down. But it made eel being endangered.

So I think distribution should be least and the price should be set properly. Such act will be able to make eel not to be extinct, and I think we should do so. About not only this problem, there are several acts we can do for the future. :-)

By the way, I bought one eel! If it was not sold, it will be disposed. :-< As I bought it, I will eat it with great relish!!


< King Penguins and HUmboldt Penguins at Tokyo Sea Life Park on May 6. To fish too much makes penguins' life threatened seriously. We should do what we can do to live together! :-) >