成長モードへ切り替え! -Switch to growing-up mode! | とりのアメブロ




Good evening, this is Tori's writing. I will write about my orchids after a long interval. I bought seven orchid young plants in last autumn and two orchids burst into bloom. I gave them water at the same time, but there was a difference between them.


< Yesterday's my orchids. Two orchids burst into bloom, two orchids stopped growing flower buds, and other three orchids didn't make flower buds. I hope they will bloom next year! >

関東も暑くなってきたので、花をつけていると株にはしんどいです。また、枯れかけたつぼみを持っていたり、数週間伸びない花芽を持っている株も負担が大きいので、思い切って切ってしまいました! これで成長モードになるはずです。

In Kanto Area, it became hotter, so if there are flowers, it is hard for orchids. Also, it is hard for them to have buds which tend to wither or not grow, so I decided to cut them! This will make them to change to "Growing-up mode"!


I hope more than three orchids will burst into bloom next year!


< King Penguins and Humboldt Penguins at Tokyo Sea Life Park on March 21. Around March is the best season for orchids to bloom! >