祝・再開! -Congratulations! | とりのアメブロ




石巻線 全線復旧



次は仙石線の全線復旧、そして仙石東北ラインの開通ですね! こちらも本当に楽しみです~。

Good evening, this is Tori's writing. I read a good news in today's newspaper!

JR Ishinomaki Line operation was fully resumed.

The Ishinomaki Line was damaged greatly by the Great East Japan Earthquake and trains couldn't go to Onagawa terminal before yesterday. I checked JR Group timetable revision which was done last week of course, but I noticed the Ishinomaki Line's being reopened happily. :-)

I wrote about reconstruction last day. It is now in progress and we must do it for the future. But as time goes by, we tend to forget about disaster areas and I hardly think WE MUST NOT FORGET!! So, I will write about good news like this!!

The next reconstruction event will be 'JR Senseki Line operation will be fully resumed and the Senseki-Tohoku Line will be opened'! I will be looking forward to this event!


< King Penguin Ao at Marinepia Matsushima Aquarium on March 15. It became closer from Onagawa to Matsushimakaigan station! >