原因はわかったので♪ -As my disease was cleared, so...! | とりのアメブロ



こんばんは、とりです。今日はお休みをいただいて、かかりつけのJR東京総合病院へ。先月22日に歩けなくなってからずっと続いている足のしびれの原因をはっきりさせたいので♪ 今日の担当は前回と違うT先生です。







Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Today I took a holiday and went to JR Tokyo General Hospital to consult a doctor because my fet continue being numb since May 22. I want to know what disease makes my feet be numb! Today's doctor was an another doctor, Dr.T.

Dr.T "Did we take your X-ray of your neck and waist?"
Tori "No."

So, the hospital's staffs took my X-ray and I consulted the doctor again.

Dr.T "Your disease is straight neck. As you see this film, your neck is straight enough, normally it is bent. About your waist, there is not a big problem, but some spaces between your bones are a little wide, so we must check them continuously. But I think you don't have to treat it now, so please take it easy. If your hands will be numb or your feet will be numb more strongly, please come again."

As my disease is cleared, I write the doubtful disease which I was told before. It was Guillain-Barre syndrome. I was very happy to know my disease is not this!

By the way, I am anxious not to be able to stop my feet being numb. Dr.T told me that some medicines can lighten my feet being numb, but they will cause side effects and they are more painful for me, so he dicided to follow-up.

Now I can stand for fifteen minutes and I wonder when I should go to the hospital again. But my disease was cleared, so I feel free now. Thank you very much for every friends and persons who take care of me!!


< The King Penguin at Asahiyama zoo on June 1. I will be able to visit there to see him happily!! >