お祝いの会! -A celebration party! | とりのアメブロ




でも、眠いものは眠いんです(笑)。というわけで、明日のサーバ作業に備えてこの辺で! 明日は夜、旅に出ます!!

Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Yesterday I went to Tokyo metropolitan to interview one person, and today I went Tokyo metropolitan again to celebrate my friend of penguin. I was very tired yesterday, but it was a happy event today, so I'm not tired at all!!

But......I am sleepy in fact. In addition I will operate a server tomorrow, so I will finish writing this blog today! Tomorrow I will go on a journey at night!!


< The King penguins and the Fairy penguins at Tokyo Sea Life Park on March 15. There are too many people who misunderstand that the Fairy penguins are children of the King penguins......(^_^;;)>