今日の訪問地-その21- -Today's visiting place No.21 | とりのアメブロ



こんばんは、とりです。今日は昨日のリベンジももちろん含め、朝から旭山動物園に・・・のはずが、大寝坊(>_<)! 起きたら9時って(^_^;;;)。あと30分で開園です。

慌てて支度をし、駅前9時40分発のバスで動物園へ! 午前中のもぐもぐタイムは10時30分で、ギリギリセーフ~。



この後園内を一通り見て、再びぺんぎん館へ。そうしたら・・・ジェンツーペンギンのひなが2羽に増えています! 午前中は1羽だったのに~!! 赤看板(誕生・転入のお知らせ)でもひなは1羽となっています・・・私、ついにおかしくなってしまったのでしょうか!?


午前中は大混雑で外に列ができるほどだったので、中は見学していなかったのです。そういうことなのですね! ちなみに、赤看板はこれから作られるそうです♪



Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Today I was going to go to Asahiyama zoo early in the morning including yesterday's revenge, but I woke up too late(>_<)! It was 9:00 AM when I woke up(^_^;;;). There are only 30 minutes before opening the zoo.

I prepared to depart very quickly and got on the 9:40 AM bus for Asahiyama zoo! The feeding time of penguins is 10:30 AM, so I will be just in safe.

It is a good season in Hokkaido and there are so many people in front of penguins. I'm glad to see many visitors!

After the feeding time finished, I saw all the penguins and found two Rockhopper penguin juveniles and one Gentoo penguin chick. I heard about them before, but I'm glad to see!

Then I watched all areas of the zoo and returned to the place of penguins. Then I saw......TWO Gentoo penguin chicks, they increased!! I certainly saw ONE Gentoo penguin chick in the morning!! Red information boad (Baby born or Newcomer information) also says the chick is one. Did I become crazy!?

Tori "Excuse me, does the Gentoo penguin chick increase from ONE to TWO(^_^;;)!?"
Zoo keeper "Yes, one chick was in the room in the morning!"

I didn't see the room in the morning because too many people were waiting outside. I could understand! By the way, the keeper will make a red information boad near the future.

Then I watched penguins till 4:50 PM and left the Asahiyama zoo. It was a very good day for me because the weather was fine though the percentage of raining was up to 80!!

All I have to do is to go home safely. Thanks for all to enjoy my summer vacation!!

【今日(2013年8月27日(火))、旭山動物園で撮ったペンギンたちです。写真の通り、キングペンギンは集団行動が大変得意なペンギンです♪ それにしてもすごい光景・・・】

< The King penguins at Asahiyama zoo on August 27. King penguins are very good at doing something with groups as you see this picture! By the way, this scene has a special impact... >