Happy New Year to All!! | 「コジブロ」コナミ小島プロダクション公式ウェブログPowered by Ameba

Happy New Year to All!!

Happy New Year everyone!! ニコニコ

Is everybody having a good time ringing in the new year!?

Looking back on 2009, I must say that it was a complete whirlwind! With trailers at E3, GC, TGS, and the recent launch of the English playable demo, there has been quite a bit of メラメラanticipation built up for PEACE WALKER, which is coming out in 2010ビックリマーク

"DEMO-OPS" was just a little taste of what the full version of MGS PEACE WALKER is going to be and the team knows how much more is in store and so they are simply bursting with excitement as well!アップ

It was a last minute decision, but I decided to fly back home to Hawaii to spend the 打ち上げ花火New Year's with family to recharge and rev up for 2010, which is going to be a big & busy year for us all! I wish everyone the warmest of holiday wishes and hope everyone enjoys safe and happy holidays.

Christine o(〃^▽^〃)o

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