KP Report Session 107 is Up! | 「コジブロ」コナミ小島プロダクション公式ウェブログPowered by Ameba

KP Report Session 107 is Up!

Hi Everyone, it's Christine! ニコニコ

It's already Christmas Eveクリスマスツリー here in Japan and Sean's brought back a little holiday gift for everyone from his business trip!!

Are you excited?

Hmm.... What could it be?...

Okay, I'll give you a hint!

It's an interview with one of the PEACE WALKER voice over actors/actresses and we're sure that long-time fans of the series will be excited! Can you guess who it is?..

Here's another hint... You won't be hearing the voice of this actor/actress in the "METAL GEAR SOLID PEACE WALKER DEMO-OPS" playable demo...

Okay, I'm not giving this one away,にひひ but this is one little giftプレゼント that you won't have to wait for Dec. 25th to check out so please tune into Session 107 of the KP Report to find out who our guest is! (o^-')b

▼This picture is of our "Bento Bako" that we use for our outdoor recordings.
(The furry object on the recorder is not a hat to keep warm, but is used to filter out the sound of the wind.)DASH!
$「コジブロ」コナミ小島プロダクション公式ウェブログPowered by Ameba

▼The PINK CAN below is what we used for the drawings for all 5 of the Trivia Contests!
(Ahh, the memories!)アップ o(^▽^)o
$「コジブロ」コナミ小島プロダクション公式ウェブログPowered by Ameba

Hope you'll snuggle up and enjoy our latest session!

Christine ('-^*)/

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