Guide to DEMO-OPS download | 「コジブロ」コナミ小島プロダクション公式ウェブログPowered by Ameba

Guide to DEMO-OPS download

Hi Everyone, it's Christine! ニコニコ

So, has everybody had a chance to play the English demo, MGS PEACE WALKER DEMO-OPS, that came out last week on Dec. 17th?

Not yet!? *Gasp*えっ

Hmm... It seems like there may have been a little difficulty in finding where to download the demo, so I'd like to offer a little guide so everyone can check out the playable demo and English voice overs! (o^-')b

You can download the trial version "DEMO-OPS" from the "Demos" section under the "Game" category on the PlayStation®Store, or you can also download it from our KONAMI website! To do so, please access our global REGION SELECTION page where you can select your respective region (L to R: NORTH AMERICA, JAPAN, EUROPE, and ASIA) and download your region's version of the demo.

$「コジブロ」コナミ小島プロダクション公式ウェブログPowered by Ameba

Our download pages feature a detailed breakdown of the entire install process as well as a checklist of all you'll need in order to play the game!

When you download the demo, please be sure to download the version for your region because although the demos for Europe and North America are both English, they are not compatible for Ad Hoc CO-OPS play and you definitely don't want to miss out taking on the missions with your friends!

Also, if you have any feedback regarding the demo, we'd love to hear from you and so please take some time to respond to our QUESTIONNAIRE, the banner for which is located at the top of the download pages.

$「コジブロ」コナミ小島プロダクション公式ウェブログPowered by Ameba

I hope everyone enjoys the demo and we'd love to hear your feedback!音譜

アップFor updated release information, please click HERE!アップ


For the English guide on how to post comments on our blog, click HERE!