Let's Talk Release Dates | 「コジブロ」コナミ小島プロダクション公式ウェブログPowered by Ameba

Let's Talk Release Dates

Okay, I know this isn't part of the development side per se ...
But I'm sure you guys would like to get some news anyway.

I have for you the release dates for both the UK and Europe! Americans, you are just going to have to wait a bit for the announcemnt.

ANYWAY, the release date for UK is ... May 28th, 2010! ('tis a Friday)
For all of Europe, it is one day earlier ... May 27th, 2010! ('tis a Thursday)

Well, there ya go! Now, for the English version of the demo as well as the American release date, just stay posted and you'll get that date soon.


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