Just a little peek... | 「コジブロ」コナミ小島プロダクション公式ウェブログPowered by Ameba

Just a little peek...

Hi Everyone (^-^)/

Sean will be rejoining us soon and reassuming his role as host of the KP Report for our next sessionビックリマーク As I believe most everyone knows, Sean's business tripパソコン was to oversee the voice recordings for the English version of PEACE WALKER. This is the longest that our team has been without Sean, and it'll be great to have the team whole once again. (o^-')b

Recently, we were able to score a snapshot that gave us a little peek目 of what he'd been up to these past weeks.
▼An in-progress session with Voice Over Director, Kris Zimmerman.
$コナミ小島プロダクション公式ウェブログ「コジブロ」Powered by Ameba
Kris, an industry veteran, has worked on all of the English MGS titles and she plays a key role in bringing out the desired character and a wonderful performance from each of the voice actors.合格

For details on the voice actors for the English version of PEACE WALKER, please tune into Session 102 of the KP Report!

Hopefully we'll have some more pics and maybe some little tidbits that I can share in my posts.ニコニコ


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