KP Staff in ENG Club/コジプロスタッフの英語サークル参加 | 「コジブロ」コナミ小島プロダクション公式ウェブログPowered by Ameba

KP Staff in ENG Club/コジプロスタッフの英語サークル参加

(Japanese translation below/和訳は下記にあります。)

Today I helped out with the English Club that is available for those who want to improve their English skills. My team members Sean, Chris, and some of the bilingual staff at Kojima Productions, in addition to other bilingual staff at work, take turns assisting with leading the sessions.

There's been an increase in the amount of staff from Kojima Productions who've joined the English Club and some practice what they've learned when they stop by our cubicle. It's always exciting to see their progress!ニコニコ

↓On the left is Joshua, from the Level Design Unit in Kojima Productions.
$コナミ小島プロダクション公式ウェブログ「コジブロ」Powered by Ameba

When I was a child, I was afraid of making mistakes叫び when speaking Japanese and so I hardly improved because I didn't try. However, making mistakes (laughing at yourself) and positively looking at them as good lessons will lead to speedy improvement! So everyone, don't be shy and do your best!(o^-')b音譜


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