This is why I'm behind of this blog | Hello Northern Lights

Hello Northern Lights

25 year old Japanese girl in Tokio. Currently working in investment banking and graduated from Waseda University. Nice to meet you here:)

I’m about a half year behind where I want to be in terms of this blog and I was totally in, "my adventures in the finance world"にひひ

I got accustomed to working as analyst in IB for this one year. I had felt sick sometimes because of lack of knowledge of finance. I got shamed with my stupidity and made my boss annoyed a lot sometimes.
Still I enjoy working with nice boss and very kind and smart experienced people.
So luckily me.

At the same time, i had much consequences happened to me in this year which made me feel distasteful and you might not be able to believe.
This conundrum was one of the tougher ones in my first analyst year because it forces me to ignore behavior I found distasteful.
I many times had to let my values dictate how I act in this situation.
It was consequences.

You might believe as awareness of sexual harassment has spread as general, it's rare these days for women to get harassed with physically and verbally in business.
But sometimes there's no way around the conversation if you're out with a group of mostly men.

I could be missing a good business opportunity if I do not socialize people in this culture even outside of working place. Even if they just some sexual conversation and I think they're just sober, not remembering what they talked.

Socializing outside the workplace is an important way to further my career,
if one of I superiors offers to get you a drink, I believe I should not turn it down.
I'm scared "I wouldn't be seen as a team player if I didn't accept,"

Because I choose to work in a culture that's clubby and masculine, I know I should not try to change the culture, If doing so, I know I may damage my career.

This is what I have learned. Let me hear your thoughts, and suggestions.
Comments are welcomeニコニコ