Berguig, known for having more than one way of automatic liquid bottle filling machine , supports any company or distributor looking for a better way to package their products to go to the East Expo package. At this show, companies can connect with suppliers and find the solutions they need to win in today's changing market. According to PMMI, it is designed for the needs of more than 40 vertical markets.
 Event 2024  has added another hall to cover the growing number of display solutions. PAC  equipment experts will be in the room for discussions to  help solve the main pain points and challenges of the packaging  and packaging industry. PAC machines can also help companies move from manual packaging to semi-automation with  one machine.
 PAC Machinery has been a leader in the flexible packaging industry for over 60 years and is a trusted partner for businesses looking to expand their packaging capabilities. From multinational companies, pharmaceutical manufacturers and healthcare companies to online retailers, PAC Machines can revolutionize packaging operations and processes that  improve ROI immediately. Products include: various plastic bags, slim liners, bag closures and flow packaging systems. PAC solutions increase  productivity through automation, reduce return rates and high volume packages, reduce package volume to save shipping costs, and increase product shelf life to new heights. With better equipment and more experience, PAC Machinery offers a complete solution for all your needs.


 Since 2015, Powder packaging machine has reduced the average weight of imported packaging  by 41% worldwide, destroying more than two million  tons of packaging. , sellers can participate in a program called Ships in Product Packaging, which ships  to customers without  Amazon packaging. For example, a loaf of bread can be shipped to a manufacturer's box, using only an address label, instead of being shipped to another Amazon box. By 2022, more than 11% of Amazon's global shipments will reach customers this way. Amazon's
,Regionally, North America emerged as the largest market for pharmaceutical packaging machinery in 2023, followed by Asia Pacific and Western Europe. This regional distribution emphasizes global reach and  the market needs of different geographies.  SIG introduced pre-designed filling systems, developed aseptic containers for filling inner containers, simplified supply chain and lower manufacturing costs. The
 "With its strong product mix and  growing global footprint, Paxiom will be a great addition to ATS," said Andrew Hider, CEO of ATS. "As we seek to expand our presence in regulated markets such as food and beverage and life sciences, Paxiom's reputation and innovative offerings  to both markets provide  opportunities for brand growth. "
 This group headquartered in Montreal, Quebec Its subsidiaries are WeighPack Systems, EndFlex, Valtara and Kang-Di. At the factory in Montreal, Quebec; Miami, Florida; Schio, Italy and Shanghai, China, as well as Paxiom, a joint venture with an exhibition center  in Las Vegas, joined ATS' product market in food technology.
liquid bag filling machine has been a leader in automated packaging solutions for over 30 years and offers a wide range of products including precision  filling, bagging, packaging, labeling, packaging, case making, plastic labeling and end-to-end palletizing equipment. complete. ATS -t CFT, Raytec, Marco, IWK and NCC help ATS to provide complete packaging and packaging. For the calendar year ended December 31, 2023, Paxiom generated  approximately $67,
 million in revenue and an adjusted EBITDA margin of more than 19%1, with the majority of revenue generated in North America. Paxiom employs approximately 200 people and has a strong client base representing leading companies in a wide range of industries. The leading manufacturing and digital transformation company has announced a successful partnership with Swedish OEM Hax Technologies to enhance and improve human-machine interaction at Kinnareds Well.
 Sweden's Kinnareds Well is an award-winning supplier of  reliable corrugated paper, supplying retailers and manufacturers across Europe. When the company decided to upgrade a human-machine interface (HMI) to one of its product lines, it was looking for a solution that combined reliability, ease of use and portability.