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It is February, 1574. Winter holds London in its icy grasp, and yet the city caught in a fervour of paranoia, suspicion and superstition. Rumours of papist plots and a Spanish invasion run riot through the streets, mob violence is commonplace, all it takes is spiteful gossip and a whispered word for a woman to be accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake. The atmosphere is febrile.Following his part in foiling the Incendium plot against Queen Elizabeth's life, intelligencer Dr Christopher Radcliff's standing within the Earl of Leicester's employees is high. But there is no time to rest on his laurels. Word has reached him of counterfeit coinage circulating on the city's streets, inns, gambling dens and brothels: coins which show the likeness of Radcliff's patron, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. This in itself is a treasonous offence, but simultaneously slogans have begun to appear, daubed on walls and doorways - slogans that suggest there is treachery at court, that someone

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