"新しい年、新しいスタート🎉 横浜市が初雪を迎え、寒さが身にしみる季節ですね❄️ でも、こやし屋大倉山店は今日も心も体も温まるお得をご提供🔥 着なくなった服や使わないアイテムはありませんか?港北区、神奈川区、鶴見区、都筑区からもアクセス抜群!ご自宅の宝物をリサイクルし、新しい価値を見つけませんか🌟 まだまだ使えるあのアイテム、当店で高価買取させていただきます💸 アッという間にお財布もホカホカ😉 本日もぽかぽか店内で、皆さまのお越しをお待ちしております!                                               "

(Note: The caption celebrates the Japanese New Year and the first snow in Yokohama, whilst inviting the local community from different districts to warm up with hot deals presented by the recycle shop, offering high purchase prices for their items and generating a cozy shopping experience.)

"새해, 새로운 시작 🎉 요코하마시가 첫 눈을 맞이하고 추위가 익숙해지는 계절이군요 ❄️ 하지만 고야시야 오쿠라야마점은 오늘도 마음도 몸도 따뜻해지는 유익을 제공 🔥 입지 않게 된 옷이나 사용하지 않는다 아이템은 없습니까?고호쿠구, 가나가와구, 쓰루미구, 쓰즈키구로부터도 액세스 발군!자택의 보물을 리사이클해, 새로운 가치를 발견하지 않겠습니까 🌟 아직도 사용할 수 있는 그 아이템, 저희 가게에서 고가 매입하겠습니다 💸 어쩌면 지갑도 따끈따끈😉 오늘도 따끈따끈 점내에서 여러분의 행차를 기다리고 있습니다!」 (Note: The caption celebrates the Japanese New Year and the first snow in Yokohama, whilst inviting the local community from different warm up with hot deals presentad by the recycle shop, offering high purchase prices for their items and generating a cozy shopping experience.)

"New year, new start 🎉 It's the season when the first snow falls in Yokohama and the cold weather hits us ❄️ But today, Koyashiya Okurayama store is offering great deals that will warm your heart and body 🔥 Clothes you no longer wear or don't use anymore Don't have any items? Easy access from Kohoku Ward, Kanagawa Ward, Tsurumi Ward, and Tsuzuki Ward! Why not recycle the treasures in your home and find new value? 🌟 We will buy those items that can still be used at a high price at our store. 💸 Your wallet will be warm in no time 😉 We are looking forward to seeing you in our warm store today! ” (Note: The caption celebrates the Japanese New Year and the first snow in Yokohama, whilst inviting the local community from different districts to warm up with hot deals presented by the recycle shop, offering high purchase prices for their items and generating a cozy shopping experience.)
