山内惠介バースデーコンサート2024/#大合唱 #思い出に残る | ギタリスト・諏訪光風 Koufuu Suwa・Guitar

ギタリスト・諏訪光風 Koufuu Suwa・Guitar

〜Welcome to the blog of guitarist ~Koufuu Suwa~!


at 横須賀芸術劇場









Keisuke Yamauchi Birthday Concert 2024

at Yokosuka Art Theater

It was a memorable birthday concert with a big chorus from the audience.

I have attended the concert since Keisuke's 25th birthday in 2008, and this was the 16th time ‼️ I feel the passage of time when I hear that he will be 41 years old this year 😁.

Yokosuka is also a city that holds fond memories for me, as I moved to Tokyo alone from Kagoshima when I was 15 years old and enrolled in the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Youth Engineering School, which was a boarding school. I am grateful to be able to make a living through music 40 years later.

I will continue to move forward every day to the best of my ability!

The Keisuke Band's next event is the Summer Dinner Show. Please continue to support us 💪.

Aeolian Duo Kansai Tour starts today! We will do our best with every note 👍.

Wishing you all a wonderful Saturday!

See you 👋