ギターソロ用にアレンジした”朧月夜”のイントロ部分を練習をしていました。 | ギタリスト・諏訪光風 Koufuu Suwa・Guitar

ギタリスト・諏訪光風 Koufuu Suwa・Guitar

〜Welcome to the blog of guitarist ~Koufuu Suwa~!






I was practicing the introduction to "Oboro Tsukiyo", which I had arranged for a guitar solo.

Oboro Tsukiyo" is a children's song composed in the 1910s.

The song depicts a Japanese spring scene with gentle "nihohi" colors, such as a field of rape blossoms, the outline of a mountain, people walking along a rice field path, the lights of houses in a human village, and a dimly lit spring moon.

I am trying to make each note sound different and various "tones" so that you can feel the various landscapes and colors.