山内惠介コンサート2023 in 御園座、千秋楽。 | ギタリスト・諏訪光風 Koufuu Suwa・Guitar

ギタリスト・諏訪光風 Koufuu Suwa・Guitar

〜Welcome to the blog of guitarist ~Koufuu Suwa~!

山内惠介コンサート2023 in 御園座、千秋楽。新歌舞伎座からスタートした劇場公演の最終日。大盛況の中、無事に終了しました。👍




Keisuke Yamauchi Concert 2023 in Misonoza, the last day of the concert. This was the last day of the theater performances that started at the New Kabuki-za. The concert was a great success.

The encore performance was a requested song, "Nagoya Boogie. The band members all joined in the middle of the song, and there were lots of smiles on stage and in the audience.

The band members, led by Keisuke, gave it their all and the concert ended with a great atmosphere.

Thank you very much! 😭

Now next is the Summer Dinner Show! 

I will do my best 💪😁.