Keeping on this diary truest helps organizing English grammars when I speak.

It is Friday night and I’m sipping beer as always. It was productive day. I don’t know why by Fridays seem my best day of the week. I know it’s the busiest day but I get to have more opportunities to talk to people. It just makes my weekend special.

I had tutoring sessions and classes to teach and feed back of class management from my mentors. It was fun. They gave me compliments a lot, which made my Friday more valuable and fulfilling.

The best thing when I teach here in us is that students are more engaged in classroom than those in japan. Every time they have questions they raise hands whenever they want. It’s natural here but its almost impossible to see students like that in japan. I want it that way much better.

Their curiosity and attitude toward classroom is significantly established from their younger ages I believe. They like talking and asking questions. I love that and respect those who attended classes today.

Next week should be a lot of fun too. Two weeks to winter break. A lot to review and assess. 🥸