Tomorrow, beta-san leaves, first thing in the morning. I guess I didn't know how to process all this, and I felt numb all morning. I woke up at like. 7? but then lay in bed till 8, before getting up and watching interviews and stuff about The Greatest Showman. But at noon, I crawled back into bed, sneezing and shit and took a two hour nap. I knew beta-san was meeting her uncle in Windward for lunch at 1, and our plans were to meet at Kaka'ako  for Eat The Street at 5, but at 3 beta-san said she was finished so she was gonna head over and so I did the same. I got to the park at about 4 and beta-san arrived soon after, and after relieving our bladders (lmao) we decided to go walk around the waterfront park area since she's apparently never been. She took pictures and she went down the stairs at the end to touch the ocean, which proceeded to splash her and get her pretty wet. Luckily she was wearing yoga pants so they dried pretty quickly. I made her take selfies with me, mostly bc I didn't get the chance to have a just-the-two-of-us selfie this week. 

We headed back around 5, when ab and senchou and the others showed up, and we sat down. Beta-san and alika and I stayed back while miki and ab and senchou went off to get food first, and when it was our turn, we went to try these cereal milkshakes. I ended up sharing a Captain Crunch one with beta-san bc she suggested it, and it was good, but better because it made me feel Gay (tm) to be properly sharing a drink with her. I was clearly overthinking, but also that was one of three instances she asked me to share an edible item with her today, which doesn't usually happen so. The other two were the mini donuts, and a plate of ribs.

It took us 45 minutes to get these things in total though, so I actually ended up passing on getting myself real food, esp since beta-san had mentioned she was asked to bring back Cookie Corner cookies for her fam, and the mall closes at 9. And it was already 7, so I figured I'd had enough to eat already. 
But on our way back, we were stopped by some rando with a mic and we ended up being interviewed about last two Saturdays ago, the thing with the false missile scare, and she happened to say that I was the first person she contacted about it, and idk if that was true, but it certainly made me feel warm and gooey inside.

But then when we got back, I found out alika wanted to get real food too, so I got both of us corn. 

Once we were satisfied, we talked for a bit until they decared they wanted to go play in those big round clear balls, I don't know how else to aptly describe it, so I'm just going to add the pictures. 

I got footage of them and it seemed like they had a blast. 

Once their five minutes were up, we headed to Alika's car, and we piled in, with senchou, ab, and miki in the backseat, alika in the passenger's, and beta-san in the driver's. I curled up in the trunk and boy it was an adventure. 

I accompanied beta-san to Cookie Corner, where she bought over a hundred dollars worth of cookies. 

And once she had her goods, we went back to the car, I climbed into the back once more, and we headed to miki's place to drop her off. We were playing weeb music, but then once I got to sit in the backseat, ab put on songs from the zosan fic Love Me Dead and beta-san and I just started jamming. I tried not to think too hard about any of it, but it just reminded me of how close I am to beta-san and ab that we hear these songs and we immediately just Know. 

When we pulled up to my place, beta-san got out of thr car with me and I was expecting a hug, but I didn't get one. Instead, I got to show my dog off to everyone and we stood there for a good five minutes, lavishing my dog in attention. I asked ab what time they were gonna be at the airport tomorrow, and she told me beta-san's flight was at 8 so it would be Early and honestly I almost laughed because hell, if you think waking up early is going to be the thing that keeps me from seeing off my bestfriend at the airport, then I'll be damned. 

These six days have gone by so fast, too fast, but I'm trying so hard to just remain grateful. Everytime I think that it's unfair beta-san is spending so much more time with ab (bc she's staying at her place) I remind myself that in the bigger picture, I will hold one of the highest numbers of how much time I've spent with beta-san. I've known her since kindergarten, so me counting how many extra hours ab gets with her is not just selfish and stupid, but also fucked up and gross tbh. I should be more grateful to ab for having even been able to accomodate beta-san for this past week. 

I have the best of friends. I need to be better for them.