I didn't start my day all that well, because late last night, beta-san had messaged me saying that she wanted to go to the children's discovery center and that alika would join and then we'd go to watch The Greatest Showman (to understand the klance context of course), but had yet to hash out the details so she said she'd get back to me sometime this morning... only she never did. I messaged her twice, and got no response, and the morning hours slipped by, with me just Waiting on her to get in touch with me to tell me what the fuck was going on. It ends up being ab that contacts me about plans, and at that point I got really upset and frustrated, both with them, and at myself. They're both just so bad at planning days out, and it becomes really hard for me to structure my day around theirs, but also ab was saying that she and beta-san weren't sure if I was free today or not, and that was also kinda upsetting bc I? literally took off from my middle school job to spend with beta-san, and I Said This yesterday and yet? to hear them sound like they were Trying To Be Considerate really hecked me up. But at the same time, I knew I had no right to be so upset? This is beta-san's vacation, and if she wants to spend it lounging around ab's house, I don't deserve a say in that. Just because we're supposedly romantically involved now doesn't mean that I have to spend every waking hour with her... tho it doesn't change the fact that I want to, considering she leaves on Saturday in the morning........

But anyway, ab and I talk and we decide on doing just a movie and Ichiriki dinner today, an escape room tomorrow, and Eat The Street on Friday. We aimed for the 3:00 showing, and I left the house at 1, and went to Macy's first to pick up some Instax film inserts I ordered online. I got to the theater at 2 and proceeded to write stuff until 2:45ish when they arrived. I was conflicted because beta-san was kinda 調子に乗ってた but I quickly realized that wasting my time being petty in her presence was a shitty way to be passive aggressive, especially over something so trivial and really not her fault (tho that could be argued -- turns out she woke up at noon but then just lay there reading sad fanfiction so? why the heck didn't she reply to my messages till 2:30?? whatever) so I did my best to let it go. We got food at concession (I thought it was amusing that me and beta-san both got chicken tenders with fries and asked for barbecue sauce without knowing what the other was getting skfhskdhsj) We just barely got into the theater itself in time, and I was admittedly disappointed that I didn't get to have beta-san sit next to me... but again, me being petty. 

It hit me pretty hard at some point that me trying to be so possessive of her is fucked up bc even tho for me, She's the only perosn I've really missed and want to hang with, because I'm still on island, I still get to see everyone else, even tho it may be on occasion. She's been gone to the mainland for seven or so months, so she's gotta have been missing everybody. Everybody. All her friends are important to her, and for me to be so selfish to try to keep her to myself is a shitty thing to do as a friend, And as a significant other. I need to grow the fuck up, honestly. 

After the movies, we went to Friend Cafe - to which beta-san drove in alika's car - and had some gelato and tea. 

We sat around, beta-san drawing klance porn, ab playing zelda: botw, alika drawing Wolverine singing This Is Me, and me scrolling thru the The Greatest Showman tag on tumblr. After we'd had our fill, we headed back to alika's car to move it closer to Ichiriki, and then walked over. 

Food was good as always, but it's really the company that makes it worth it all. Beta-san told stories abt her experiences in Walmart and alika related bc Target. Ab and I were so glad we didn't understand anything they were saying. 

Oh and at one point or another, ab was in the process of booking the escape room for tomorrow, and asked for a team name, and unhesitatingly I said Voltron. Turned out we had seven members, which fit perfectly, since there's five paladins and Allura and Coran. We jokingly started assigning people to characters and I said I wanted to be Hunk, and it seemed like beta-san wanted to claim Keith so she could wear her croptol, but since I said Hunk, she said she'd be Lance and I got kinda excited. As ugly as this closet cosplay is gonna come out, the fact that she accomodated me in her choice made me really happy? 

Anyway, we sat around talking till 9:30 (mind you, we'd gotten there around 7? which I guess is rly normal for us so oops nvm) but I started to get uncomf bc I still have to wake up early tomorrow for work.... so;;; alika drove me home and we parted ways. 

I laughed a lot and felt really blessed ro have such good friends. Not to mention that the movie was so heckin good even without the idea of klance in it? it was just amazing I liked it a lot.