
There are a lot of tombs in Gifu. In Ikeda mountain has biggest tombs in Gifu.

It’s Ganjyou temple Nisitukanokosi tombs.

You can find it behind Otudani park. At first you pass through Meiwagimin Monument.

This is the river that the water is clear. You  walk on the wood bridge. 

You can see the Ibi green tea field.

Then you can find this sign.There are 111 

tumulus, which called Kofun  in this place.

The Ganjoji Nishi Funokoshi Kofun Group, located on Ikeda Mountain in Gifu Prefecture, is a cluster of ancient burial mounds. 

These kofun, or ancient tombs, date primarily from the 5th to the 7th century.

1. **Types of Kofun**:

   - The site includes various types of kofun, such as keyhole-shaped tombs (zenpokoenfun) and round tombs (empun).

   - These tombs are believed to be the burial sites of local chieftains and influential figures of the time.

2. **Artifacts**:

   - Numerous burial goods have been unearthed from these tombs, including metal objects, pottery, weapons, and ornaments.

   - These artifacts provide valuable insights into the culture and social structure of the period.

3. **Location**:

   - Situated on the slopes of Ikeda Mountain, the kofun offer a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape.

   - The choice of this location is thought to have been a deliberate act to demonstrate the power and authority of the individuals buried there.

It's No. 1kofun, which is horizontal stone chamber tomb.

In the kofun, there are lot of big stones and the coffin contained not only bones but also pottery and personal items used by the deceased.

It's No.2 kofun. This is smaller than No.1's    one.

A tomb made simply by piling up stones. But this is strong.

It's No.43 kofun.

this is biggest one.  

Maybe this kofun is a powerful local ruler's one.

It's small kofun. So, it's not easy to find it. It's covered with grasses.

In front of OTHUDANI PARK, there is a cafe named " OTHUDNI PARK H.M.RY".

We can eat and drink outside and sit a hummock.

You can see all over the Ikeda city. listening to birds singing feel you comfortable.