First post of 2021! Sorry for taking a bit long to update, I have been quite busy. The first thing I'd like to share are photos of Osechi I made. I procrasinated and didn't prepare much, so on the 31st of December I stood for about 12 hours in the kitchen rushing to get everything done. But, I managed to finish and it turned out quite beautiful! 





Oh! Can't forget the toshikoshi soba too!





Cooking is so lucrative to me, I never thought I would enjoy it as much growing up. I always told my mother that I was gonna marry a chef so I won't ever have to cook, but boy was I wrong! I hope to cook many beautiful and delicious dishes throughout this year! 






I also want to share a book my friend from Japan got me. She lives in Fukuoka and I miss her very much 💜. She sent me this book as a Christmas present and I was so elated to receive it. The book is called "Today's Gacchan" and it's a cute comic about a cat. This will help me learn/remember difficult kanji's. I hope one day I'll be able to casually read Japanese magazines and newspapers. 

