Ratatouille 「ラタトゥイユ」
Hello,Yesterday I did some cooking and made Ratatouille. Made it look like the one from the disney movie!こんにちわ、昨日の夜ちょっと料理しました。ディズニーの映画みたいにラタトゥイユを作りました。It took me about 2 and a half hours for me to make, but it was well worth it. I'll link the recipe at the very end.I started off by cutting the vegetables (eggplant, yellow squash, zucchini, and roma tomato) very thinly with a mandolin.一個一個並べるのが時間かかって、作り時間2時間半もかかった💦レシピを下にリンクします。最初は野菜(なす、黄色いスカッシュ, ズッキーニ、とローマトマト)をマンドリンで細く切ります。Then make the base with onions, red and yellow bell peppers, and tomatoes.ベースは玉ねぎ、パプリカ、とトマトWhen the base sauce is done, carefully line up the sliced vegetables on top, alternating between the colors. Afterwards, bake in oven for about an hour.ベースのソースができ終わったらマンドリンで切った野菜を重ねて気をつけて上に載せます。そして1時間ぐらいオーブンの中でベークafter the oven, it'll be ready to eat. Ratatouille can be eaten by itself, but I like eating it with some kind of carbs. Yesterday I ate it with baguettes, today I will probably eat it with pasta, and tomorrow if there are any leftovers I will eat it with rice.オーブンから出たら出来上がり!ラタトゥイユだけでも食べれるけど私は炭水化物と一緒に食べるのが好きです。昨日はバゲット一緒に食べて、今日はパスタと一緒に、そして明日は多分ご飯と一緒に食べると思う。Here's the full recipe that I used ⬇️フルレシピがこれです⬇️Ratatouille Recipe by TastyHere's what you need: eggplants, roma tomatoes, yellow squashes, zucchinis, olive oil, onion, garlic, red bell pepper, yellow bell pepper, salt, pepper, can of crushed tomatoes, ch…tasty.coMy next post might be for a dessert. Thank you for reading 😊次はデザート作ろっかな〜読んでくれてありがとうございます😊