North Korea stops nuclear tests | Hidy der Grosseのブログ

North Korea stops nuclear tests

[North Korea stopped tests of nuclear weapons and missiles] 

21. Apr. 2018.


I hope that this decision of the Workers' Party of Korea about stopping tests of nuclear weapons and missiles will not be canceled.


I hope that building eternal peace in the Korean Peninsula will success.

To make peace, there must be concession of both sides, North Korea on one hand and USA, South Korea and Japan on another hand.


I thank and respect an effort of the South Korean President MOON Jae-in. It is joyful that MOON's effort brings the concession of the North Korea. I wish that also the US-President Donald TRUMP and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo ABE think rationally and decide rightly.


I cannot forget peoples in North Korea too. I appeal strongly to the Party and the Government of the North Korea to think about human right seriously.


I please every leader all over the world to help us, North-Eastern Asian. Peacemaking in this region must help peacemaking in your region too.


I please every leader all over the world to help us, North-Eastern Asian. Peacemaking in this region must help peacemaking in your region too. Some leaders of the countries relating to the problem of development of nuclear weapons and missiles by the North Korea are supported by ultra-nationalist voters. Although concession of both sides is necessary to make peace, any leader can try to hold on the chauvinistic/militaristic foreign policy for the sake of keeping his political power thanks to votes of right-wing extremists.

Thus, I must please the political leaders of the world even though it is shameful that we need help from other regions. I please the Presidents, Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers to support determined the President MOON and other leaders who pursue in real earnest making peace and to admonish the politician(s) who damage welfare of the people in the region for the purpose of his (their) own benefit.
