Ex-Minister of Japan Discriminates the Africans | Hidy der Grosseのブログ

Ex-Minister of Japan Discriminates the Africans

【Ex-Minister of Japan Discriminates the Africans】


Ex-Minister for Vitalizing Local Economy Kozo YAMAMOTO (now, the presentative of the Under House for the governing LDP (Liberal-Democratic Party of Japan)) spoke discriminating.

The racist said on the Seminar for Politics and Economy, that organized his colleague Asahiko MIHARA (LDP), related with MIHARA’s assistance for Africa; that delegate can’t understand why this politician likes such black guys.


Kozo YAMAMOTO’s Profile (Official Website in English)



Wikipedia-article in English



News-articles about YAMAMOTOs utterance in Japanese




News Paper ASAHI



News Paper YOMIURI



The for long time Japan dominating LPD is the political party of the discriminating politicians (xenophobes, sexists, ableists etc.).

In 2016, the Finance Minister (at the time and now) Taro ASO said related with a TV-program, in that a 90 years old one worried the forward life, it would be for him ununderstandable, that the so old one have angst for the life in the future, und it would be him questionable too, how so she would like to live more longer.


News-article about ASO’s utterance in Japanese (News Paper MAINICHI)



November 23. 2017., a top-level politician spoke discriminating the homosexuals.

(Hidy’s blog-article about the affair → http://hidydergrosse.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-13.html)


Japan is much better rated by majority people in the world than it really is.

Citizens of global society should know that Japan is one of the most undemocratic (politically least liberal and human rights most ignoring), least politically correct (minorities most hating and diversity of the society most disregarding), most unsocial (most market-fundamentalist and least solidary), and least environmentally friendly (the sustainability of ecology most unminding) States in the OECD countries.


Now we have to agree on a global standard. It must be democratic e.g. politically liberal. It must be politically correct e.g. it must respect diversity. It should be social that means the states have to secure each member of society the freedom not only nominally, but also really, in concrete terms, also in the sense of the material conditions. It has to consider the sustainability of society and ecology.

The states (both federations and federated states) and the private juridical persons that follow the standard must have advantages. For example, such states and juridical persons should be imposed low tariffs. In contrast, anyone who ignores the standard should receive disadvantages.

Of course, it must be related with the fair global standard, how much the discriminations against the foreigners, against the citizens with migration backgrounds, against the people of the certain sex, against the minorities regarding the sexual orientation and/or identity, against the Olds, against the children, against the handicappers and so on in the state and in the society are removed.