My Message to Facebook | Hidy der Grosseのブログ

My Message to Facebook

Hidy's re-replies to the Facebook's answers to Hidy's reports of some racist discriminatory comments on news articles.
In Facebook's answers, it says; The commentaries were indeed insulting but would not infringe nothing of Facbooks Community-Standards.
Below I present my re-answers. (1) Wrong spelling corrected (2) Re-responses are edited in to the one.)

It is unbelievable that Facebook tolerates the racist comment from 【username】. This is nothing but hate speech.

I guess; For the company, it would not matter, whether some comment were racist; Only profit were important to them. I even have a suspicion; The one of the largest Internet companies in the world itsself could be perhaps discriminatory (it may be unconscious), although it is called in its Community-Standards "Encouraging respectful behavior" (

However, I have the hope to Facebook yet, because you give the sender of message the answer. Twitter and Yahoo!Japan do not do it (apropos, different from Yahoo!Deutschland, the latter one does not belong to the Yahoo!com-group). At least, by the ranking according to the fairness of the routine, Facebook reacts to the information on offensive comments more seriously than the above two (I do not know, how treat and Google/YouTube reports on hate speech).

Therefore, I want to further believe, that you show your ideas on your site serious. I hope the improvement, in other words, the intensification of the control of discrimination.

Thank you.