Mar. 24 (Day30)


It's been about a month since I came here.

I still have big challenge for speaking, I got used to listening a little, though.

By the way, I'm gonna buy a used car.
I guess it's much cheaper to buy one than to rent a car for a month.

oh, I have to present why I should use a car at least for a month.

That's because I have a plan to travel around the US in July.

That sound great, doesn't that?

And, if I can, I will go to Wilmington, NC, where I went for ESL program for a month the last year.

Used cars here are like a kind of real estate. The value does not descend drastically. So, if I buy a 1,500 bucks car, I could sell it for about 1,000 bucks, of course it depends on mileage, though.

I'm not myself. cuz I had a cold.

I'm gonna sleep early today

See ya.
