

*The rays are separated by their different wave length, such as UVA and UVB.

*UVB rays cause the skin to burn.

*The role of UVA rays is less well understood and appears to have an effect on our tanning response, carcinogenesis and aging.

*There are two types of sunscreen, pyisical and chemical blockers.  

* Pyisical blockers reflect sunrays by acting as a pysical barrier.

*Chemical blockers absorb the sunrays. They deteriorate more quickly than pysical sunscrees because their ablitity to absorb the Sun deminishes.

*SPF is a measure of the protection that the sunscreen will provide from UVB rays before one begins to burn to determine their sunburn protection factor.

*Children under the age of six months should have alomost no sun exposure.

*Car windows block UVB, the burn rays but not UVA, the aging rays.

*When chosing a sunscreen, we should look for broad spectra, SPF of at least 30, and water resistant.


tanning response: 日焼け

carcinogenesis: 発がん

deteriorate:  劣化する

deminishes: 能力が落ちる

