I had expected this would be a good chance to make something different.

Therefore, I decided to move back to my hometown.

But it haven't worked well.

I'm still disfunctined.


No matter how hard I try to find a breach,

I'm just standing at the same point.


In thins world,

there seems to be

nothing I really wanna do,

nowhere I really wanna go,

no one I really wanna meet.


Until a few months ago,

I diverted my mind and successfully decieved myself.

However, I can no longer endure this situation.



I remenber a song used in a children's TV program.

"Ceron - Monpy"



At that time,

I really loved this song.





Now, I'm fully grown.

I think 

I can go anywhere I want,

I can meet anyone I want,

I can do anything I want

as long as I just have the will.





Before I moved, I intended to keep doing kickboxing,

but I found I don't need to do it and I don't feel I wanna do it here.

At a moment, I just do physical training.

I like to keep my lean body.