あまりにも、デ タ ラ メ。

いろいろとやることがあってね:There are a lot of qualified people.

ぼくの気持ちを剣持課長に伝えてもらえると思うんです:I don't trust Chief Kenmochi.

そんなに頼られてもなあ:So that't why you are so nervous.

ぼくは初動捜査から加わってたんですし:I started at the bottom and worked my way up to investigator.

1年以上も会っていません:We were friends for no longer than a year.

電話ぐらいあったんじゃないですか?:She has your phone number.

父はある会社を定年退職して、いまはある工場の守衛です:My father resigned and found a new job as a janitor. He's at work now.

いいよ。その人をぼくと比べてくれてて:You're comparing that person to me.

ぼくはね、君がそばにいてくれるだけで満足だと思いたい:I want it to be enough for you that I'm around.

おじさんから電話:Some man is calling.

気を張ってないと1分も立ってられないんじゃないのかな:It seems like she hasn't completely realized her loss yet.

奥さんがうちを出たんで:You need a wife.

もうひと月近くになるんだって:You still need to think about it?

部屋(所属課のこと)のもんだってみんな知ってるよ:Everyone knows that a home needs a woman.

困るだろ?:Are you tired?

君の奥さんのことだよ。あんまり見栄張らんほうがいいよ:My wife... We need to see each other sometimes.

別に見栄なんて:We never see each other.

体にこたえるよ:It could be good for your health.


